The last thing you'd expect to see inside most fast food restaurants now are smokers.
However, if you were to talk in on Carol Whitney taking her lunch break at the Burger King across the street from her job, you'd find her enjoying a Whopper Jr. and then a cigarette, even though there's a prominent no smoking sign hanging on the door and all over the restaurant, burned into plastic signs even that are attached to trashcans. There are no ashtrays to be found, and no one that works there nor anyone that's a customer is saying a word about it. How could that possibly be in today's world, where smoking cigarettes has suddenly become a crime that's sometimes viewed as badly as shooting heroin or doing other drugs?
Carol is partaking in one of her beloved smokeless cigarettes, and from far away, you'd never be able to tell that she's not smoking a traditional tobacco cigarette, but you definitely wouldn't be able to smell the cigarette. Many people are starting to buy e-cigarettes regularly for this reason alone; they can be smoked without any smell bothering anyone else since no tobacco is being burned at all. Instead, the source of nicotine comes from a liquid that's inside e-cigarette cartridges, something that smokers like Carol keep handy whenever she has to buy e-cigarettes.
Smokeless cigarettes look just like the real thing, except inside, they have a vaporizing chamber that is attached to the e-cigarette cartridges. Whenever smokers like Carol take a drag from their smokeless cigarettes, nicotine infused liquid moves to the vaporizing chamber and becomes a vapor that can be inhaled. The major difference is that the vapor is completely odorless, doesn't have any of the extra tar or chemicals that are found in regular tobacco cigarettes, and there's no smell to bother anyone that's around. In fact, they're so odorless that if you were to have your back to Carol and didn't see her smoking smokeless cigarettes, you would never know she was smoking.
Although this is one reason people buy e-cigarettes, it's certainly not the only reason people buy e-cigarettes. Many claim they save money on them, and that buying e-cigarette cartridges is cheaper than stocking up on tobacco cigarettes, and they also say they feel healthier since they're not ingesting extra chemicals.
So next time you stop into a Burger King, don't be surprised if you see someone puffing away, enjoying it just because they can.